Indel Software Highlights 2024

Release 24.4.3

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Customer Application

The customer application contains the machine-specific functionality of the software. This part of the machine software is normally implemented by the customer. If necessary, however, Indel engineers are available to assist.

The Indel McRobot framework is available to the customer for implementing the machine sequences. This defines the architecture and the design and offers numerous classes and ready building blocks for development of the machine software.

In addition to the McRobot framework supplied by Indel, any other libraries may also be linked.


Flexibility in programming

The Indel development environment offers the greatest possible flexibility for creating the application software. The application code can be integrated directly into the system and thus has unlimited and efficient access to the entire functionality of the Indel control system. Since the C++ source code is accessible to licensees, all the possibilities that C++ offers for expansion and modification are available. The Indel system also offers a wide palette of existing functionality as base classes.

Additionally, for application development in C++, the Indel system offers the possibility of defining the configuration and sequences in the Lua scripting language. For this, standard Indel modules are linked and selected from the Lua script.

Interchangeable Indel CPU boards

A particularly important feature is that the customer application can run on all available Indel CPU boards. Where applications come with time to require additional peripherals or higher sampling rates, the existing CPU board can be replaced by a more powerful one at relatively low cost.


Modification of modules and deriving from base classes


Application runs on any Indel CPU board

Programming languages

C/C++ (GCC) & Lua (5.2)


Indel IDE (Indel Master Desk)
Optional: Embedding of the Indel toolchain in to any editor