Indel Software Highlights 2024

Release 24.4.3

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Indel Software Highlights

Discover the highlights from our software releases 19.7.0 to 20.10.0 and download the latest release from our FTP server today.

Release Highlights 19.7.0 to 20.10.0


  • OPC UA Local Discovery support.

  • OPC UA PubSub support over TSN.

  • OPC UA Client.

  • Axis force control support, including live switch between force and position control and vice versa (together with motor controller firmware 7.9.0).

  • 64 bit support for INOS Desktop (Windows and Linux), support for ARM and RISC-V CPUs (Linux).

  • Oscillation detection for axis movement.

  • Slowmotion reduces speed only feature: if enabled, axis moves are slowed down by only reducing the speed instead of streching the time.

  • Axis controller config entry EnbName: it allows to configure on a per axis basis the name of a digital input which represents the state of the emergency button (0-emergency, 1-ok). Setting this option is useful if the external axis controller does not have an “external enable” hardware input. It is usually used together with the mcrobot axis option IhE (inherit emergency).

  • Increased limits for async results: A single result (e.g. string) can now contain up to 1024 bytes (before: 512), multiple results in an AsyncResult frame can now use up to 1452 bytes in total (before: 1024). Important: Indel Tools (inco_32) need to be updated to correctly handle async results that approach the new limits.

  • Asynchronous support for all kind of serial in/out channel types.


  • Simplified and unified target configuration for INCO 4 and INCO V: You can use an implicit connection by directly entering the (m)DNS name or IP address of a networked target in any Indel tool. In INIXApp tools, targets discovered on the network automatically appear in the target selection menu in a Nearby targets section. Targets can be explicitly configured in the INCOServer V Admin Area in Indel Cockpit, reached easily by Configure Local Targets in the INCOServer tray menu on Windows or in the right-click menu of Cockpit in the application launcher on Linux.

  • INCO 4 (including DataTransfer) now works over IPv6, which is now the default protocol for URLMaster targets.

  • For improved security, incoming TCP connections from remote INCOServers can now be disabled by INCO or GUI. When enabling access, the permission can optionally expire after a given time span.

  • On Windows 10 (version 2004), a new GIN-PCIe driver with Ethernet support allows to create INCO V targets for GIN-PCIe boards in Indel Cockpit, so that TransV can be used to load the GIN-PCIe which is approximately 10 times faster. An emergency system is automatically loaded into GIN-PCIe targets at startup to enable INCO 4 and INCO V communication from the beginning.


  • Improvements for working with multiple interdependent projects: Optionally keep target type and configuration when switching active projects, choose whether a build includes referenced projects, use matching configurations when building multiple projects together, Save before build is also applied to referenced projects.

  • Indel Image creation can now be customized using a new “Additional options file” setting in the Indel Image Tool options.

  • Source code for the open-source parts is now available at

Axis Tuner

  • Support force control tuning: PI control and filters are tuned using Bode sweeps in the same way as in the PosCtrl mode.

  • Support closed loop logs.


  • Indel libraries are now installed according to the “multiarch” principle, allowing libraries for multiple architectures to be installed at the same time.

  • Most tools are now available for the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian 10 “buster” armhf).

DOC.INDEL.CH (only accessible with developer login)

Russikon, October 2020